I feel blessed to have two wedding bands. The first of the two is a thin band. With a small row of diamonds. Mike gave it to me after we had been dating for 4 years. A year after that he proposed. And when we went to the courthouse to become husband and wife 5 years ago he slid that band onto my left ring finger. It was the same band that we said our vows again with exactly one year later during our wedding reception in front of everyone we loved.
As for Mike’s wedding band? We got it at Macy’s and I remember trying to get it for the best price. I believe we paid $150 for it. It’s not gold. There are no diamonds. It is simply a band. That is meaning enough for him.
A few years later I was shocked to see my second wedding band hanging from a branch on our Christmas tree. My dream ring. And so my first band got pushed back into my drawer and I proudly wore my upgraded band with a gigantic smile on my face.
5 years of marriage and the ring we got Mike from Macy’s is dented and scratched. His band shows every bit of the past 5 years. Every 12 hour day he works. Every fight and disagreement. The birth of our 2 beautiful kids. It’s proof that marriage is hard. But my husband wears that ring proudly every day because he knows that our marriage is worth it.
When you look at our hands next to each other it is an exact replication of our lives. He works incredibly hard for our family. When I got laid off this summer and I cried that I needed a job he told me I had one. He told me that I was finally going to get to stay home with my kids and that was the hardest job in the world. And when he comes home from a 12 hour day and the house is still a mess and I didn’t make dinner he just sits and sips his bourbon and listens to me ramble on about how hard my day was.
He is the best kind of man and I am lucky to call him my husband. So today, as we celebrate 5 years, I will wear band number one. Because that’s how our love story started. Just like my 2 wedding bands, he is my past and he is my future. I couldn’t be any luckier.
XO Danielle
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Nancy Gambino
December 3, 2015 at 11:18 pmYou just made we cry! I love how you love each other!
December 10, 2015 at 3:16 amYou two are perfect ! Wish you will happiness forever!