The Life

Halloween Themed Bathtime for the WIN!

Why hey there!  It’s been a hot minute.  I wanted to share some really fun Halloween ideas that the kids and I have been doing to get us all in the spooky spirit!  First up is the Halloween Themed Bath.  Why a bath?  Why not?  

Baths are literally toddler cure-alls.  Cranky?  Take a bath.  Bored?  Take a bath.  Rainy day? Need to be contained while mama blow dries her hair?  Yep, hop in the tub!

Then if you’re super extra like myself, you can add things to the tub to turn it up a level.  Now 20 minutes of play turned into 40.  You’re child may look like a prune but it is so, so worth it.  

And so, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, the Halloween themed bath was born.  Over the past few years I’ve collected lots of Halloween knick knacks that I use in sensory bins, play dough kits and science experiments.  So I shopped my craft closet and grabbed mini cauldrons, mini pumpkin buckets (both from Party City), lots and lots of eyeballs (dollar tree), plastic spiders (dollar tree), and mini bones (Michaels).  Then I grabbed a stack of themed books that we got from the library the day before.

I added tons of bubbles, used some food coloring to tint the water and then dropped all of the goodies in for Gio to find!  He was so excited!  And don’t worry, the food coloring use is so minimal that it doesn’t stain kids or the tub, so you’re good to go.

Gio played and I read him lots and lots of stories about monsters.  Of course Joey found us and jumped in and after an hour they were both prunes!  

I will definitely be making this fun, themed bath a tradition!  

I have linked some similar items that we used below!  Tag me @growingupgambino if you do this with your kiddos!  I’d love to see your set up!  

Link to:



halloween mix

The halloween mix has such a great variety of little knick knacks for sensory/tub play as well as fun stickers and craft stuff!

Have a great Wednesday!  




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