The Life


I survived Thanksgiving 2014.  I say that for two reasons.

1.) It was my first time ever being the Thanksgiving Hostess

2.) It was my first ever Thanksgiving without my Mom.

Luckily for us, Nana, Pop Pop and Gigi came to visit for the holiday so we were in fabulous company.

My father in law took over half of the kitchen and I semi-willingly let him.  I really had to push back my inner control freak because face it, I was the first timer and he is a turkey cooking pro.   I mixed up a pitcher of my signature cocktail, the ruby red cosmo, and after a couple of those I was happy to take a backseat.

Between the delicious food, yummy cocktails, secret closet phone calls to my mom, and good company, my first Thanksgiving as a hostess was a success.

And I am thankful.

For the family I come from.  My mom and my sisters.  Everyone else in my crazy bunch.  I only wish everyone could have what we have.

For the family I have created.  My husband.  My children.   I work hard everyday for what I have and I am so thankful for them.

For friends that have become family.  Old friends.  New friends.  Best friends.  I am so lucky to have every single one of you.  You were all put into my life for a reason and I am grateful for you all.

I am thankful for this life I live.   I am a lucky girl and it I will never take that for granted.

We finished out my in-laws visit with a trip to the Christmas Tree Farm.   The guy handed my husband a saw and I knew we were in trouble.  Unfortunately we didn’t find “the perfect tree” so Mike put the saw down.  20 minutes into a trip to Home Depot and my father in law had a 10 footer strapped to the top of my car.   Welcome December.  I have been waiting for you.

{ Oh, and there is a picture below of Nana and I doing a Turkey Trot.  I love when I can walk for 30 minutes as an excuse to eat 7000 calories.  I wish it could be Thanksgiving every day.  XO }

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  • Reply
    November 30, 2014 at 10:38 am

    …..And we’re so thankful for you and your beautiful family. You really captured the essence of our first Thanksgiving in Birmingham. You are a wonderful and gracious hostess, we had such a great time visiting and spending quality time with Juliana & Joey. One of my favorite memories will be of the debacle of the “umatching casseroles”!!!!

    • Reply
      November 30, 2014 at 9:03 pm

      And I will never forget that my first hosted Thanksgiving had an unmatched dish at the table. Haha!

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