My sweet, sweet girl. It’s tough being a big sister. I told you it wasn’t going to be easy. You miss my attention. And I miss it being just us sometimes. Joey makes things a little more difficult right now. We can’t just throw shoes on and run to the park. It takes more time, more planning. We get to the park eventually, but I know it’s not the same. It will get easier. Better. More normal. I promise. I know our routines are wishy washy right now. But we will develop new routines. Better routines. Routines that include Baby Joey. And you have so much love for him. You do the sweetest thing when he cries lately. You walk up to him, and on the way, you say “I’m coming Joey…don’t worry, I’ll be right there”. Then you get there and coo to him in the cutest voice and tell him it’s going to be ok, and you give him his paci. The voice you use when you try to calm him is different then your own. It is my voice. You mimic how I speak to him, and use the words that I say. And it is by far one of the most precious things I have ever seen. You are a fantastic big sister, even if it isn’t always easy.
You are doing amazing in pre-school. Ms. Amy asked Daddy if you had ever gone to school before and was shocked that the answer was no. She said you are so adjusted already and doing wonderfully. I am so proud of you. I love opening up your little backpack and seeing a drawing you made me. I miss you when you are gone, but we both need the break. You are already bringing all sorts of information home from school with you. Today Daddy was telling you not to do something and you looked right in his eyes and said “daddy, be nice”. And during dinner the other night you tried to teach us a new clapping game that you learned while you were there. It is so fun to watch you grow in different settings.
I can’t believe that next month you will be 3 years old. The time is flying by. You are no longer a baby. Well, we need to get rid of those paci’s. Then you will no longer be a baby. I will cross that bridge eventually I guess. Maybe I’m not in a rush, because it’s the only thing keeping you mama’s little baby. Who knows. I look at you lately, and can’t believe the girl you have become. The strong willed, feisty, smart, beautiful little girl. You make me a proud mama everyday and I love you. Even if you are growing up too fast.
To the moon and back kiddo,
May 16, 2014 at 11:58 amOmg, this just made me tear up. She is the smartest, funniest, most beautiful kiddo around. You are one amazing mama!
Nancy Gambino
May 16, 2014 at 10:02 pmYou are doing a great job Mommy! She is so smart and so cute, even when she turns into that other little person! lol