The gift of flowers can mean so many things.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Anniversary.
So sorry for your loss.
You’re better off without him.
(Well that floral arrangement better be gifted with a bottle of vodka).
If you have something to say, it can easily be said with a bouquet of flowers.
I said Happy Birthday to my Mom this year with flowers from a fabulous new company.
Have you heard of
Did you see them on Shark Tank?
I did.
The owners kinda cute. But that’s not why I picked them to send the roses.
I can lie and say I picked them because they grow all of their flowers on the side of a volcano.
But the truth is…they are gorgeous flowers at an amazing price.
The standard bouq is only $40. Shipped.
Want to add a balloon? Teddy bear? You can’t. And I love that about them.
No frills. No fuss. No tacky vases that I don’t know what to do with after the flowers die.
Just flowers.
Beautiful flowers.
That happen to grow on the side of a volcano.
Want to upgrade the bouq? Go for it.
Double the bouq for only $10 more.
Oh hello 2 dozen beautiful roses.
Besides the fact that the flowers were gorgeous and incredibly fresh, I love that I can sign up for the concierge service and never miss an important event again. Because if i have to slap a picture into a frame as I sit in the car in someone’s driveway before a birthday dinner one more time, I may scream. I’d prefer to walk into the dinner and see the flowers I sent already on the table. I need my hands free to carry in my children and the wine anyways.
Click Here to order your own bouq.
Send them to your mom, your sister, or yourself.
You can thank me later.
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