You know the feeling when you work really hard for something and it finally comes true? When you spend countless hours and nights doing research and planning, to have your dream become a reality? It is incredible. Trust me. I know.
Since the ultrasound that determined Mini was in fact a baby girl, I have dreamed of opening a children’s boutique. A boutique designed like the inside of a princesses closet. With chandeliers and sparkles. Ruffles and pearls would be showcased on beautiful hangers. Lace and sequins would fill drawers in pink armoires. It would be beautiful. A perfect boutique for moms to shop for posh clothing for little princesses.
It was a dream. A pipe dream. Where was I going to get the money to open a boutique so fabulous I only pictured it in my dreams? ::Enter logical husband stage left:: That is when Mike told me to explore my dream from a different angle. He agreed that opening a boutique was a dream that wasn’t going to become a reality right away, but he supported me and my idea. I decided that I would in fact open a boutique. An online boutique. A boutique just like the one I pictured in my dreams, a boutique that I could run and operate in my pajamas. Talk about a winning compromise 😉
I spent the last 6 months planning and researching. Ordering samples, and meeting with manufacturers. Trying countless items on my own pretty princess. Slowly but surely Juliana’s Closet was coming to life. (That’s Mini’s real name you know…You didn’t think I really named her Mini, did you?)
I am so proud of what I have accomplished in the past 6 months and to have Juliana’s Closet up and running is such an amazing feeling. I have a long way to go, that I am sure of, but to see my dream slowly become a reality is incredible.
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