DIY The Life

$15 DIY Furniture Makeover :: Console Table


Happy Tuesday!  I wanted to share a really simple DIY Furniture makeover with you today.  For the longest time I have been wanting to re-do a few pieces of furniture that Mike and I have had for ages.  I chose to first go with an easy project that I could complete the fastest.  Figured it would give me the confidence I need to tackle some of the harder projects (like painting an entire bedroom set…ha).

Mike has had this modern looking console table since he was in college.   He used to use it as a computer desk and when we moved in together years ago we used it for the same purpose.   A couple of years ago, I got a real computer desk.  One that matched our decor and wasn’t sticking out like a sore thumb like this one did.  And so out into the garage it went.  But I knew it had potential.

The lines of this table just scream MODERN and we have a semi-modern feel to our family room so I hoped I would be able to blend the piece in.  I knew the black had to go and since our couch is a steel grey and most of our accents are silver and white, I headed in that direction.   The top of the table is actually 2 slabs of thin, dark granite that are removable.  I decided to cover the granite slabs with a grey marble adhesive film, spray paint the actual base of the table, and hope for the best.

Here’s how I did it:

1) I removed the granite slabs and researched 100 ways to lay this adhesive film without getting bubbles.  After watching all the youtube videos I could find, I felt ready to go.  First I unrolled the roll of film and turned my granite slab upside down on top of it.  I traced the amount of film I would need to cover the slab with a pen.  Then I took the slab and moved it and cut the piece of film to fit.

IMG_2730  IMG_2731-001 IMG_2737-001


The first time I placed the film I had a ton of bubbles.  I tried to push them out by using a squeegee and a ruler but wasn’t having much luck.  However, the film does peel off pretty easily for you to try again.   (confession, I tried 4 times.  And only the last time did I tear the film.  Luckily I had enough of the roll to still cover my 2 pieces of granite, but be careful!)

2) I read about placing the film down with a “wet” method.  Basically you will spray windex onto the surface and then carefully unroll the film onto it.  You will squeegee as you go.  The wet allows the film to slide around a bit and helps when you use the ruler to squeeze out any bubbles.  That method worked the best.  (And I hope that made sense!)

3) Once the granite pieces were covered, I took the table into the garage and spray painted the entire thing.  Word to the wise, I wanted to use up a small bottle of spray paint and then had to get 3 more small bottles to cover the table because I couldn’t find a large bottle to match.  I would suggest using the Rust-Oleum Universal spray paint in the color of your choice.  (How pretty is that brass color that I linked?  I think I’m going to have to get another project going with that!)

4) After waiting the 24 hour drying time for the paint, I used Martha Stewart’s Gloss spray paint to finish it up.  Again, had to wait 24 hours for that coat to dry but then it was finished!   I inserted the granite (turned marble) slabs into the table and moved it back into the house.

I am so happy with how this table turned out.  I am still working on styling it, but I think it blends perfectly with our family room.   Unfortunately for Mike, who will have to spend the next year of his life dragging pieces of furniture into the garage for me to makeover, I totally have confidence now to do some of our other pieces!

I know the whole applying film process can be hard and confusing (trust me, I spend a great deal of time and research getting it just right!) so comment here or email me if you have any questions.  I’d love to help if I can.

Here’s some more photos of the console table all finished 🙂


XO Danielle

I love to connect with my readers on social media, so feel free to share this with a friend, and find me on Instagram and Facebook.

The Life

Brother + Sister Fall Photos

Happy Friday!

I am finally getting around to posting the professional pictures I had taken of the kids this Fall.  A friend of mine from Juliana’s dancing school (fellow dance mom, ha!) recommended a husband and wife photography team that focused on wedding photography but were wanting to get their feet wet photographing children.  I decided to go for it and snagged their last available opening in November.  I am so happy with my decision.  I love every single shot they took.  The only downfall was that Mike wasn’t available that weekend to take any family shots.  We are going to schedule a family shoot in February to get some shots of all four of us.  But just because he couldn’t come, didn’t mean I was going to miss out on a chance to get some pictures of the kids and I.  Obviously, I will frame one for his nightstand 😉

Hope you enjoy our little photo album!
































I linked up the details to their outfits that I could find!  Hope you have a great weekend 🙂

Juliana’s Dress // Juliana’s Jeggings // Juliana’s Fur Boots

Joey’s Shirt (similar) // Joey’s Oxfords

XO Danielle

I love to connect with my readers on social media, so feel free to share this with a friend, and find me on Instagram and Facebook.











The Life

I stopped having sex with my husband.


If I had to guess it was a Tuesday.  A chilly day.  Mid 50’s.   It was right around dinner time, when the decision was made.  But that’s not true.  In fact I can’t even tell you what year it was.  It was a gradual decision.   A decision that took years to accept.  Years laced with pregnancies, stress, crazy schedules, weight gain and extremely low self esteem.   It was a decision that I hated myself for making. Continue Reading

The Life

Be the good.


I was headed out this morning to run some quick errands with the kids. Well, what should have been quick was likely going to take forever because it was cold, and we needed big jackets, and strollers and snacks… And so forth. But we set out nonetheless. When we got to the parking lot I chose a spot in between the two stores I needed to go to. That area of the parking lot was the least populated. But it was 10 am and there were people milling about near the entrance of the store so I didn’t think anything of it. Anyways, it’s easier to load and unload my crew when there are not cars on both sides of us.

I started my unloading the same way I always do. There’s a system you know. Stroller first. If you take a child out first they can run away from you. So stroller first. Then I unstrap Mini and wrangle her into her coat. Take her out of the car and strap her in the stroller and hand her the snack I packed. I was wheeling the stroller around the back of the car to get Joey from the other side and I see a man approaching.

Alone. In a hoodie. In an empty parking lot. So I froze. I immediately assumed the worst and my mama bear protection was in full force. He glanced at Juliana and asked if I had any food. And I just stood there frozen. And when I realized what he asked I said “No, no I don’t I’m sorry”. I was so flustered. So caught off guard. And honestly? I was scared. There was no one around for 50 or so feet. I was alone with two kids. Vulnerable. He could have pulled out a gun. Thrown me in the car and drove off. Stole my car. Stole my wallet. But he didn’t. He shrugged his shoulders and walked off to find someone else. I watched him with my heart beating as I grabbed Joey from his seat and buckled him into the stroller. I kept my eye on him the whole time as I grabbed my bag, handed Joey the snack and locked the doors, racing to get inside of the store. I watched as he asked one, then two, then three other people for something to eat. The man was simply hungry.

Juliana piped up at this point and asked me what the man wanted. My mouth didn’t even want to open. “He was hungry” I said. “Why didn’t you give him any food then Mama?” I told her I didn’t have any to give him at that time and we went about our business. But my heart just felt broken. Broken because I had no faith that someone was looking to me for help and not to harm me. Broken because I didn’t help someone who needed it. Broken because there is a man out there whose belly was rumbling and I turned the other way.

I simply froze. I read so much in the news about the bad there is in the world and I assumed the worst from this man. [There was recently a car jacking at a nearby gas station and a man drove off in a woman’s car with her two kids still strapped in their seats!] I was alone with 2 kids. I was caught off guard. I was panicked. I can’t help how I reacted to this man, but I wish it didn’t have to be like that.

I am disappointed in myself. I know my reaction was on par for the situation but I’m still upset with it.

Be the good you wish to see in the world

I remember years ago walking by a homeless person with my father and saying something about how he probably only needed the money to buy drugs or alcohol. Forgive my way of thinking, but I know that story all too well, therefore leaving me a bit cynical. My dad looked at me and explained this:

That man is your test. He tells you he is hungry and that is all you need to know. If you have food or the means to help him, then do so. That is on you.

What that man chooses to do with the money or food after you trusted his word is on him. That is his test.

I think about that all the time. And yet today I failed.

So from now on I’ll be more proactive. I’ll make emergency packs with water and granola bars to keep in the car. Instead of being caught off guard, I will look to help others. I will make a difference in 2016. Even if it’s just for the sake of one persons rumbling belly, I will be the good.

What would you have done?

XO Danielle

I love to connect with my readers on social media, so feel free to share this with a friend, and find me on Instagram and Facebook.

The Life

Happy New Year!

I can’t believe 2016 is here already!  It seems as though 2015 just flew by.  Mike and I spent last night going over our goals for the new year and it seems as though they all had a common thread.  To better ourselves.  My biggest goal for the year is to live a healthier lifestyle.  Which is why I signed the kids and I up for a 5K this morning.   I know, crazy right?  I agree.

Our gym does a Commitment Day 5K and I kept seeing signs all over for it.   It was open to runners and families.  I thought about doing it, but I had never participated in a 5K before so I just pushed the idea away.  Then one day I was walking by the sign and I thought why not?  It could be something that the kids and I could do together, to start the year off right.  Unfortunately Mike had to work, so I would be on my own with both kids.  I just kept telling myself that it was going to be ok if I walked the whole thing and it would be ok if I finished in last place.  But I had to try.

So I signed up.  To tackle one of my own personal goals of doing a 5K.  To set a good example for my kids.   To prove to myself that I am capable.

And so we did it.  Mini and I did our nails matching the night before.  She got sparkles and we called it our race-day manicure.  We woke up and got all bundled up because it was going to be really cold out.  She packed her mittens and her water bottle and seemed really excited!  She went back and forth between wanting to come in first, and telling me that it didn’t matter who wins.

It was a little overwhelming when we got there for her.  As outgoing as she is, she gets shy in large groups of people.   Everyone was telling her to put the t-shirt on but I could tell she was starting to get upset so we walked to the side to wait for the race to begin.  I didn’t want to start the race with her upset.  They announced it was time to start and everyone lined up outside.  I was pretty excited!  Mini said she was going to start by running and when the horn sounded that’s what we did.  Everyone took off.  Mini’s run eventually slowed into a walk.  Then a drag.  But she didn’t want to sit in the stroller yet.  We were in dead last place.  I reminded myself that was ok.  It was about finishing.  Not finishing first.

Finally she agreed to sit and I pushed 90lbs of kids and stroller up and down the Alabama hills.  We passed one person, and then another.  We weren’t in last anymore!  It was really cold out and that did make it harder but we were doing it!  Once we got to the end she wanted to get out and run some more.  Then she hopped on my back for the final stretch of the race.  Yes.  I had her on my back and I was pushing Joey in the stroller.  I have done easier things in my life.  But we were so close.  Mini jumped off my back and took off to the finish line.  Our time was right around 50 minutes.  Everyone blew their horns and cheered when she crossed and I’ll admit I got teary eyed.  I really need to get these motherhood hormones in check 😉  But I was just so proud of her!  She kept telling me, “I did it Mama!  We did it!, We are just the best!!”.  And she’s right.  Our first goal of 2016 is already accomplished and we are on our way to a healthier lifestyle.  I am proud of her and I am proud of myself.

Hope everyone is having a very Happy New Year!

XO Danielle

I love to connect with my readers on social media, so feel free to share this with a friend, and find me on Instagram and Facebook.
