The Life

Let’s Play Catch Up…

…because I have been missing for a long time.  Sucked into a combination of Christmas planning, prepping and celebrating, working, and whining about how I am just not a fan of being pregnant.  Doesn’t seem like a lot, but trust me…throw in cooking dinner 2x a week and I am one busy girl.

So let’s go back shall we…

November was both a great and not so great month.   Mike had to go to Houston for work for 3 weeks so that was really crappy.  (Not for him.  Trust me, he had a blast, no matter how many times he said he missed me…but hell..I would enjoy a 3 week vacation too ha!)  The upside to that was I went to live with my mom for 3 weeks!  It was bittersweet because being back home made me really miss being so close to family and our support system.  I even got to see my niece 2 days in a row at one point.  I mean…who wouldn’t love that!

So what happened exactly in November…I shall show you in photos of course 😉

We dropped Daddy off at the airport and explained to Miss Mini that he was going on a big airplane.  She sort of understood what was going on.  Not really.  Although every plane she saw for the 3 weeks she would squeal “Daddy’s Plane!!!”.  So maybe she got it.



Here are some behind the scenes pictures from our photo shoot for Juliana’s Closet!  Our little models were beyond adorable!  Rosalia took some amazing pictures!   Unfortunately Mini didn’t feel good, so she didn’t come..but I got to love on Milania so it was just fine.

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My mother in law gave me a haircut.  You may wonder why this is significant in my November photos.  It is.  I need to always remember what an amazing listener she is.  HA!  I’m just kidding.  I have been teasing her about cutting my hair too short since the second I heard the first snip and walked out of there looking like Mary Tyler Moore.   She does give a great haircut..and I pay her in Frappucinos.  So I’ll shut my mouth now.  She will be grateful for that 😉


Mini had her first DENTIST APPOINTMENT!!  She is such a big girl!  She went to se Dr. Newman who was my pediatric dentist!  She only got scared to sit in the chair by herself.  She ended up sitting on my lap but sat like an angel while they counted and polished her little teeth.  I already knew her mouth was trouble from my years as a dental assistant.  Let’s just say the Dr. agreed.  “An orthodontists dream”.  Those were his exact words.  Like mother, like daughter.  After her appointment we went and had a lollipop with Milania (because that’s what you eat after having your teeth cleaned).  I was so proud of her!

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My sweet niece Milania turned 2!  She had a beautiful Minnie Mouse birthday party at the park and looked just adorable!


We decorated cookies at Grandma’s.  As Mini says..”sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle”.  Now what she says and does are very different.  All she does is eat, eat, eat….

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 What may be the most exciting thing to happen in November…MINI POOPED ON THE TOILET!!  Talk about proud mama moment.  That’s what happens when you run out of nighttime pullups at Grandma’s.  We decided to wing it.  She had accidents for 2 nights.  Pooped in her undies once.  That was it.   So Mini’s stats:  Officially pee pee trained and in undies all day at 2 yr. 1 month.   Officially poopie trained/no pull ups at night or EVER at 2 yr. 5 months.  Yippee!  The photos below show her celebratory donut after her first time 🙂  The second one..well it’s self explanatory.  Pooping is exhausting.

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 We went to the zoo with Grandma.  We had a great day and Mini loved to feed all the swans and ducks.  Except when the egrets noticed she had food and tried to attack her.

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We went out for hibachi with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Pat.  Mini sat through the whole show and didn’t cry once.  She only got a little spooked when the volcano fire started.  Mainly because she thought she was there for dinner, not a fire show.  Then we went and saw the Festival of Lights.  The look on her face says it all.  She was over the moon to see all of those Christmas lights.  We ended up taking her 2x while we were in town because she loved it so much.


We spent the day at the Museum of Science and Discovery with Sulay and Michael.  The kids had an absolute blast, it was the mama’s who got tired and eventually wanted to leave.  They could have easily stayed and played all day long.

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Had girls night with Dina at the mall.  Dressed up like dogs and cried hysterically on the Christmas Choo-Choo train.

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Picked up Aunt Samantha at the airport for Thanksgiving and cuddled/rubbed her nose at night.

003 005 Last but not least, Devon & Brian got engaged!!   Who even knew they were dating for the past 8 years 😉

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So that was November in a nutshell.  December photos to come soon!  And some DIY projects I have been working on!

Happy to be back 🙂

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