Ok so I know we are roughly…ummm 2 1/2 years late to our own honeymoon. Let me explain why…
2009 — Engaged
2010 — Planning our wedding..pregnant with the Minster..Married in the courthouse. No big white dress when I was a big preggo
2011 — Mini is born..We finally have our DREAM wedding on our exact 1 year anniversary 12/3
2012 — Hellooooo I had a baby… I couldn’t plan a honeymoon!
And so, 2013 was the year of the honeymoon. Mike was mortified that I told everyone in Cancun we were “just married”. I got such a kick out of it! It WAS our honeymoon. Regardless of his bitching that it was “just a vacation”. Everyone deserves a honeymoon. ESPECIALLY after being married 2 some-odd years. 😉
And my { Honeymoon } was FANTASTIC.
We like to start our vacations asap, so we began with a DIY airport mimosa. Mike definitely needed a drink after Spirit airlines was done charging us for everything they can imagine. Mimosa’s were definitely in order.
Ok so this next part is unfortunately a true story. I could not embellish this if I tried…
So upon landing in Cancun we had to take a short cab ride to the hotel. The hotel…what can I say? It was incredible. We stayed at the Sun Palace Cancun. It is an all-inclusive adults only resort. We were greeted with cold towels and champagne. By name. Think Ritz Carlton style. We checked into our suite, threw our bathing suits on, and went downstairs to enjoy this paradise..
Now let me state that my husband CANNOT sit still. Not even in paradise while drinking a Mojito. So, that being said, after 30 seconds of relaxation, while my drink was still full and I was still on the first chapter of my book, my annoying, impatient husband needed to go into the water. I am not such a fan of the ocean. I don’t know what’s in there and everyone can see me in a bathing suit as they sit and relax and say to their husbands..”omg am I as fat as her?”. I mean I don’t do that..but you know 😉
We walk into the water and it’s gorgeous. There is a sandbar that goes out so far, it’s great for hesitant ocean goers like myself. I had a few drinks in me and was not nearly as nervous as usual and kept going a little deeper…and then a little deeper. We were having a blast. There were a bunch of people around us and Mike was 3 feet away from me.
Then I felt it. It was like a snake slithered across the back side of my right knee and it felt like instant fire. Almost as if I got whipped with a flaming jump rope. (Ok, that’s a strange comparison but I am trying to get the point across here..) I knew immediately something was wrong.
I look to Mike and I’m screaming that something bit me. Of course, he’s like, “Danielle seriously, you probably stepped on a rock or a shell, relax”. But by now, I am in full panic mode, because the back of my leg was ON FIRE. So I scream at him, “Get me the *&%* out of the water, I am not $%*&ing around!!!”. Still nothing from him. He is looking at me like I am insane. So I turn around and waddle my fat ass out as fast as I can and go back to our chairs. He follows of course telling me I am crazy and nothing bit me. Well within minutes the back of my knee was red, puffy, and swollen. If I wasn’t so freaked out I would have stood up and done a victory dance. I TOLD YOU SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THERE!!! Mike takes me to the lifeguards, who speak barely any english. They proceed to tell me that I got bit by a Medusa. A Medusa fish to be exact. My anxiety is in full force. I am going to die. The medusa is poisonous and I am going to drop dead on my honeymoon and be all over CNN and FOX news…Does anyone in Cancun have a Xanax because I needed one. Desperately. Mike sensed that I was about to have a nuclear meltdown all while trying to keep my stomach sucked in as I sat on the steps so I didn’t look like a fattypants, so he asked…is she going to be ok? I kid you not they responded…..
“It’s……a….Normale….” (pronounced NOR-MA-LAY)
Which it was definitely not. Thank goodness for some strange vacationers benadryl pill in the hotel elevator. Here’s the proof.
It did start to feel better by the night. Thank goodness. Ok so now that we are 1 hour into the vacation and I’ve already been bitten by a medusa…Here’s the rest of the trip 🙂
People say that the drinks are weak and the food is sub-par at an all-inclusive. However, at the Sun Palace I found that we had a lot of great meals and some just ok ones. Either way, they were all excellent in the fact that I didn’t have to cook them. As for the drinks, if the drinks are weak you could just order another. And another and another. That’s the beauty of it.
Our concierge level suite came with all sorts of goodies. We had a HUMONGOUS balconey, stocked mini-bar, top of the line espresso machine, CHI hair products, an in-room jacuzzi, and a pillow menu. What, might you ask is a pillow menu?? It is actually a menu with different aromatherapy pillows. Mike thought it was ridiculous. I ordered a lavendar chamoimille pillow every night and snuggled with it so tight you would have thought the pillow was on it’s honeymoon.
We ventured into town one day to go on a shopping spree. You know, because we can only visit Zara in Cancun…there is none in the states. Ha, all kidding aside, we really don’t have a Zara near us, so this really was exciting 🙂
We swam with the dolpins which was such an incredible experience!! Mike was apprehensive about it but after the fact said that it was his favorite part of the whole trip!
All in all the trip was amazing. I got to go to paradise with my best friend for 6 whole days. I would go back in a heartbeat.
I would get bit by the Medusa right now if I meant I could go back to this place. The medusa afterall, is just a jellyfish.
{ Sun Palace Cancun paid me absolutely nothing for writing this review. In fact, I paid them a lot of money. And I’d do it again }
May 7, 2013 at 9:33 amThat was a great post! I seriously laughed out loud reading about your encounter with the “Medusa fish”! Glad you guys had a great trip! Looked beautiful!
May 7, 2013 at 10:34 amThanks!! It was a great time! Besides the Medusa part! 🙂
May 7, 2013 at 2:03 pmYou are too funny! I loved your story! So glad you and Gam finally got to go on your honeymoon!!
May 8, 2013 at 5:59 pmThanks Shannon!!
May 7, 2013 at 7:22 pmCan I just say that I read your posts I can totally here you telling me the story twirling your hair! Scary huh? Mimosas look Delish & the hotel amazing! Celeb status 🙂 love it! Glad you guys enjoyed w/ Medusa, by this time you should have at least said “Gracias” to Mike for making the trip to Zara! Lol
May 8, 2013 at 5:59 pmYou are too funny and know me all too well 🙂
May 9, 2013 at 10:24 amThat was HILARIOUS! I laughed my head off. The Sun Palace is our favorite resort (headed for our 7th visit in November 2013).
I don’t like the ocean either – too salty and makes my skin itch – after your story, I for sure will not be going in – way prefer to sit around the pool and watch the chubby gals walk the beach, strutting their stuff. (By the way, you are beautiful and I’m sure all the gals were jealous!)
Thanks for the laughs – sitting at work, I needed it!
May 9, 2013 at 12:44 pmGlad I made you laugh! Thank you for your sweet words. I won’t be heading into the ocean anytime soon either. Have a great trip to the Sun Palace!